Esther Israel
Compiled in July 2021
I was a newsletter contributor and active member, and later a newsletter editor for the Utah Psychological Association (UPA) and Utah Chapter of the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP). I held elected and volunteer positions, and had been submitting my writings to the UPA and Utah AWP newsletters for several years. My free labor was in peak demand back in the summer of 2011 when I was living in Brooklyn, New York. The newsletter editor of the UPA and the implementation collective of the AWP reached out to me to request my services around the same time. I gladly accepted the opportunity to write and help other writers put their ideas out in their communities. It was a fun activity and I discontinued in my role as editor of the UPA and Utah-AWP newsletter, even after I returned to living in Utah in the winter of 2012, because paid work took precedence, once the opportunity arose. (See “My Years At Utah State Hospital.”) I eventually lost contact with most members of the UPA and remain an active member of the Utah-AWP until this day.
Here is a list of articles I submitted for these newsletters.
· Utah Psychology Licensing Act (UPA Fall 2006)
· Questions for Robert Cook (UPA Winter 2007)
· Questions for Janiece Pompa (UPA Spring 2007)
· Questions for Nan Klein (UPA Summer 2007)
· Questions for Noemi Mattis (UPA Winter 2008)
· Questions for Cathie Fox (UPA Spring 2009)
· Spotlight on Stuart Drescher (UPA Summer 2009)
· Breakfast at the Oasis Café with Jane Blackwell (UPA Winter 2010)
· Reminiscing with Lester J. Nielson, Jr., Ph.D. (UPA Summer 2010)
· Reflections on Women’s Sexualities (UT-AWP Fall 2010)
· Letter from the Editor; Membership Survey (with Brian Taracena) (UPA Summer 2011)
· Letter from the Editor (UT-AWP Fall 2011)
· Sausage Making 101; Editor’s Note (UPA Fall 2011)
· Body Politics: A Feminist Multicultural Group Model for Healing and Empowerment (written with the Blue Kitty Cats) (UT-AWP Winter 2012)
· Group Dynamics (UPA Winter 2012)
· Letter from the Co-editor (UT-AWP Fall 2012)
· Letter from the Editor; To Your Private Practice Success: An Interview with Steven Walfish, Ph.D. of the Practice Institute (UPA Fall 2012)
· Lilies (a poem coauthored with Makeda Meeks); Sex, Drugs and Money; What’s Your Pleasure? An interview with Kim Airs (UT-AWP Spring/Summer 2012)
· Wounded Healer Q&A with Aaron B. Bryant (UPA Summer 2012)
· Letter from the Editor; Flights of Fancy from a Practical Radical (UT-AWP Winter 2013)
· The Jewish Woman Worrier (UT-AWP Summer 2013)
Here is a list of the newsletter editions that I created, edited and in most cases, contributed an article. The UPA newsletter was published 4 times a year and the Utah AWP newsletter was published 3 times a year.
Summer 2011
Fall 2011 Fall 2011
Winter 2012 Winter 2012
Spring 2012 Spring/Summer 2012
Summer 2012 Fall 2012
Fall 2012 Winter 2013
The newsletters were distributed to members after the Board or collective finalized it. If you would like to read any of the articles that I wrote, or view a particular newsletter, please reach out to me. I saved everything!
I've been friends with Makeda Meeks since 2008. We met at the Women's Resource Center at the University of Utah. Makeda is loving, spunky and subversive. Although she now resides in Florida with a family of her own, we stay in touch. Makeda and I have a good time collaborating on our common interests. She is passionate about sexuality, womanism/feminism and the individual's place in society. Makeda's sonnet "Lilies" is about below the navel gazing and so much more. It contains puns and double entendres. You're welcome.